What's Comin' Will Come, an' We'll Meet it When it Does


I wish I was better at applying this quote to my life.


Marriage has been blissful.

Our wedding went perfectly. We have removed the stress of living in two different locations as well as rules from my parents on where, what, and how, we spend time together. And are having fun living in our camper and playing house.

Still, life has it's hiccups. 

Our honeymoon started off with a blown tire and finished with me being miserably sick. These were minor annoyances. 

I've also had off and on severe pain in my lower abdomen. This happened around this same time last year and I went to the Dr. for it but they never figured out what the cause was. 

Again, in the light of our new relationship status these seem pretty minor things. We are so happy to finally be married and excited to do the rest of our life together. The ups and the downs.

This past week however, I had a pretty severe down for me.

It's a complicated situation.

See, I work for the county library, part time, on the bookmobile. I absolutely love this job but I'd been keeping my eye out for a full time one with pay and benefits. So when the library director (that's about four steps up from lil' ol' me) came to me with the offer of an Assistant Branch Manager position I was rather pleased. Sure, I was stressed at the thought of new responsibility, but in a happy kind of way.

And then...

My dad is highly involved in county politics. Enough that he ran for a position this past election and won it (by a landslide I should add :) ).

Fabulous! you say. What's the hitch?

It was recently discovered that our county has a nepotism law. This says that an elected official cannot have a family member who is employed by the county. 

I agree with this law. Especially in a small, surprisingly corrupt county like ours, it's very important.

But...at the beginning of 2021 my dad will be sworn in as an elected county official. And I work for the county library.

According to five different attorneys, one of us has to go.

In the meantime, the library branch I have my desk in has been shut down due to COVID. I am currently on day 6 from exposure, waiting for my results, and not feeling my best but I can't decide if that's because I actually have a mild case of COVID or if I'm just stressed.

I really wish I was better at applying the above quote in my life. 

If I have to live the next three months in limbo while an ordnance to amend the  nepotism law is presented before the quorum court three times, as per regulations, I really, really, really, wish I could stop worrying about it.

Why can't I be calm like Hagrid and say, "If I have to look for a new job next spring, that's what I'll do" ? 

In the meantime, I will do my best to enjoy Christmas and the coming New Year. After all, when our Christ was born, he was born into a very troubled time and his parents certainly didn't have smooth sailing. Yet we say he brought peace, joy, and comfort.

That's because He brought us something outside of this world to trust in and find our rest. 

Or perhaps, it would be more accurate:

He was Someone outside of this world to trust in.



  1. You got married!!! How exciting!!! My dad also ran for an office, as a Libertarian. He didn't win, but did very well.

    MB> keturahskorner.blogspot.com
    PB> thegirlwhodoesntexist.com


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