Why Anonymous?

"Have you ever tried anonymous blogging?" a lady from church suggested one Sunday afternoon.

I shrugged. I had run two very successful blogs under alias's but they just never were anonymous enough. My friends and some family faithfully read them knowing full well who the author really was.

What I desired most was a place to share my thoughts on the current issues in my life (often involving these beloved friends or family) without risking hurt feelings over the ways I had portrayed them.

I have thought about my church friend's suggestion for many months now and have finally decided to give it a try. Chances are strong that if you are reading this blog you do not know me and never will. That is the beauty of the internet which allows for complete anonymity while still being frighteningly personal.

Thanks for stopping by my friend and welcome to Arnica Anonymous!


  1. That is actually a really good idea! So kind of like an internet diary and thought contemplation spot. :)

  2. That's a wonderful idea! So often I may want to write something but don't because of those certain people who are reading. I might have to borrow this idea sometime! Thank you!

    1. You are quite welcome Bethany! :) Glad you like the idea.

  3. Stopping in to say hi after you left a sweet comment on my blog. :D Nice to 'meet' you, will come back :)
    Blessings, Bonnie

    1. Thanks for dropping in Bonnie! Nice to meet you too. ;D

  4. Nice blog! My name is a pen name as well for safety reasons, but I hope to become friends. Someday when we are sitting with Jesus, we won't need to be anonymous and see each other face to face. (I hope that isn't morbid! I can be pretty blunt at times; sorry.)
    Excited to follow you on this blogging journey, sister! God bless.

    1. I look forward to that day Paige! :D
      And by the way, do you have a blog for me to read?

    2. Unfortunately, no. Sorry!


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