30 Day Gratitude Challenge--Days 14-20

I'm experimenting with my phone's camera and having a very difficult time getting the focus in the correct spot. This is my neighbors' back yard and would you look at all those flowers? Who couldn't like Spring when it looks like this?!

I'll admit that the only thing keeping me going on this challenge is the knowledge that I have to post my answers every Monday. So good job guys! You're providing incentive. Keep up the good work.😉
Click here if you want to see the others in this series.

March 14th
Prompt: What sight are you grateful for today?
My Answer: The number "97" on the test for my boating license. (I needed an 80 to pass.)

March 15th
Prompt: What season are you grateful for?
My Answer: Spring!!! It's my favorite season and the one I'm in right now! 

March 16th
Prompt: What about your body are you grateful for?
My Answer: (I never like these "body image" questions!) My freckles. They help hide when I  have acne.

March 17th
Prompt: What knowledge are you grateful for?
My Answer: The knowledge of how to read so that I can read the Bible and gain real knowledge.

March 18th
Prompt:What piece of art are you grateful for?
My Answer: The tulips I water color painted today. I rarely sit down to "art" so this was very relaxing and I was actually satisfied with the finished product!

March 19th
Prompt: What touch are you grateful for today? 
My Answer: The feel of clean sheets after a long day involving people and a headache. 

March 20th
Prompt: What in your life are you grateful for?
My Answer: Everything?? God has used it all for my good.

What knowledge are you grateful for?
How about piece of art?
How would you answer these questions?


  1. It's always great to have a reminder that we have so, so much to be grateful for.

    I'm really thankful for the peace that God's been giving me about various life stuff recently. It's wonderful to be able to see and feel his hand working.

    1. It's neat that you say you have seen God's hand working in your life! I've been seeing the same thing in my life. There have been many days recently where I have thought I would never make it through or get the timing worked out so that I could get to everything but God has made it all happen so smoothly and peacefully!
      Thanks for sharing Jane!

  2. This challenge reminds me of the song Count Your Blessings. It's been really cool reading your posts about what you're thankful for, it makes me realize I also have a lot to praise God for!

    1. It makes me think of that song too! :)
      This challenge has been an eye opener for me as well. There are so many things I simple take for granted!


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