
Showing posts from September, 2017

Counting My Blessings (Unwillingly)

I told a friend that this had been a "bitter" year for me. You readers have gotten to see a lot of this so I won't go in to further detail. I will explain however the kick in the pants that I got a few weeks after making this statement. You see, I just happened to run across a collection of verses on "Joy" and  it dawned on me that many of them were not suggestions. They were commands . And I was reminded of a quote I discovered several years ago: "Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else's fairy tale."  ~  Wale Ayeni (no idea who this person is but I like the quote) I may not feel like counting my blessing but nevertheless, God has told me to do so and I believe it is because when I do, I tend to have a change of attitude. Compared to many other peoples' my year was not that bad. After all, I started water-coloring, picked up the ukulele, got certified as a Master Gardener, be...