So Many Books

I used to be a voracious reader--like 100 books a year voracious. I don't have the time to read like that anymore but I still enjoy my bibliophile side when I can grab a few moments of time.

I have compiled a list of books I would recommend from both my past and present reading. Don't be afraid to check back as I plan on adding new titles with my reading progress as well as linking to reviews once I write them. Also, this is not an exhaustive list. If you want specific recommendations feel free to ask! :)

(Biographies listed separately)
Do Hard Things -- Alex and Brett Harris
His Chosen Bride -- Jennifer Lamp
Mere Christianity -- C.S. Lewis
Set Apart Femininity -- Leslie Ludy
Authentic Beauty -- Leslie Ludy
The Cross Centered Life -- C.J. Mahaney

*Christian books are in black, secular are in blue.

So many books, so little time.


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