Counting My Blessings (Unwillingly)

I told a friend that this had been a "bitter" year for me. You readers have gotten to see a lot of this so I won't go in to further detail.

I will explain however the kick in the pants that I got a few weeks after making this statement. You see, I just happened to run across a collection of verses on "Joy" and  it dawned on me that many of them were not suggestions. They were commands.

And I was reminded of a quote I discovered several years ago:

"Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else's fairy tale."  ~  Wale Ayeni (no idea who this person is but I like the quote)

I may not feel like counting my blessing but nevertheless, God has told me to do so and I believe it is because when I do, I tend to have a change of attitude.

Compared to many other peoples' my year was not that bad. After all, I started water-coloring, picked up the ukulele, got certified as a Master Gardener, began counseling at the local Crisis Pregnancy Clinic, reconnected with an old friend, and traveled to several new states. All of that and I still have a quarter of a year left for more exciting things.

When I really sit and think about it, God has abundantly blessed me with some wonderful things this 2017 and instead of spending my time complaining about the bitter parts to my friends, family, and blog readers I should devote my energy to thanking the Lord for His gifts and using them to serve others.


  1. You're back. :)

    This post was really good and true. I've also been struggling with having joy. Thank you for this reminder.

    1. I am! I had started to write posts several times but couldn't ever compile my thoughts well enough so they got discarded and my blog remained silent. :)

      Jack London said once about writing inspiration that we can't wait for it to come to us but must instead go after it with a club! Sometimes I think finding joy must be the same.

  2. Yes — joy is so important. And the thing is, joy only comes when you look to Christ. You can be happy in the things and events, but when you recognise that they come from Him and how much He has blessed you — that's when he fills you with His amazing joy.

    This was a great reminder to count our blessings, even when it's so so easy to look at all the tough parts. :) <3

    1. Every issue I have in life seems to be a never ending circle always ending with the answer being Jesus! I guess Sunday school taught us something right? :D

  3. This is awesome <3 So true!



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