My Safety Line in Depression

I've mentioned in my most recent posts that I struggle with depression. This problem is not unique to me but I do fight with it more than your average Christian young woman.

It all started when I was thirteen. An acquaintance came to visit our family for a week and become a good friend. When he left it suddenly occurred to me that he would never be coming back. We would never see him again. We would never laugh with him again. We would never have the chance to tease him again. (He actually left with plans to return soon but my premonition turned out correct--we never saw him again). At these thoughts my world tilted. I began noticing just how many friends dropped out of my life, older relatives died, etc. and over and over a question came to mind, "Is God really good?"

There is not a more terrifying thing to doubt.

Think about it: the One who created everything and has power over everything--if He is not good then how can anything else ever be?

I spiraled in to what is now a literal black hole in my history. My mind went numb for close to a year with my only memory being a very bad one of my 14th birthday.

Ultimately I learned my lesson through the death of my grandma. She did not have an easy life but on her deathbed she gave so much glory to the Lord and was looking forward to seeing Him with such eagerness that I knew somehow, God really was good.

After Grandma went to be with Jesus I promised the Lord and myself that I would never again let myself be drug into a black abyss like that.

Over the years I struggled with the blues off and on but nothing that ever lasted for longer than a week.

And then this year landed on my shoulders with the weight of the world. I found myself gasping under fears and doubts I thought had been conquered years before and new ones that I never saw coming.

Sometimes these days I feel like I am walking on a tightrope in a cave with no lighting.

Oh, and to that mental picture add some vampire bats flying around my head.

I am lost, confused, terrified.

But there is a rope.

I hold on to it with both hands as I try to navigate the tightrope.

Sometimes, when I am most fearful I don't even try to move forward I just cling to the rope.

That rope is the lesson I learned in my first bout with depression.

So often right now this is more head knowledge than heart knowledge but it is still the truest thing I know. The only fact I can proclaim with no doubt.

Sometimes, I am so blinded by darkness I am tempted to forget I have that rope in my hands and all I'm aware of is what might happen were I to fall. But nevertheless the rope is still there.

My safety line.

My knowledge that God is good.


  1. Amen and amen. I went through horrible depression a while ago. I wanted to die, but God lowered his healing rope to me. He helped me to see what he sees. His heart is beating in my chest and his blood is pumping through my veins. I'm no longer mine, but his. At times, depression grabs on to me, but I need to set my eyes to God, and submit to him. First I submit to God, then I can resist the devil and his tormenting thoughts, and he will flee.
    James 4:7- Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
    So before I resist the devil, I've got to submit myself to God (set my eyes on him), and then I can command the devil to flee. All we've got to do is submit. We just need to let him hold us and plead his blood over our minds. Then, at the name of Jesus, the devil has to flee. There's no, "I'll rebuke the devil and maybe he'll flee"---there's "I'll rebuke the devil and he HAS to flee". There's no "maybe". If we know Jesus and have his spirit in us, then we can use his name. We're one with God when we let him in our hearts, and when we tell the devil to flee, he has to.
    If that feeling of loneliness and doubt comes into your mind, submit yourself to God, and then resist the devil. We have power. We're with God. We stand with him. The devil trembles at the name of Jesus. He's reminded of his fate. Our pastor used to say: "When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future". Don't let him whisper lies to you. Block him out and focus on God. Praise him. Satan hates that.
    Bless you. ;)

    1. Thanks for sharing that verse! James is my favorite NT book but I had forgotten about that verse.Very encouraging!
      By they way, thank you for all of your encouraging comments recently! Do you mind me asking how you found my blog? Your profile has no link so I'm unable to do my usual stalking. ;)
      Blessing to you as well!

    2. Romans and James are my top two favorites.
      I only say what I feel like you need to hear, so it's all God. Gray Marie's blog has a link to your blog, so I just browse everyones. I love your blog by the way. I might have a blog in a couple xD

    3. Thank you!
      If you ever do have your own blog, and I am still around, be sure and let me know!

  2. I absolutely understand this. At the second half of 2016 and beginning of 2017 I was struggling with some depression. I was wondering about those similar things as you mentioned. It's still not easy, but I just need to remember all the times I've seen God at work and remember that even when I don't understand, HE IS STILL GOOD! Thanks for this great reminder!

    1. Be encouraged in the Lord Bethany and find your joy only in Him! This is seems to be a lifelong lesson for me and it's nice to know someone else is encouraged through my struggles.

    2. Thank you! I understand that. :)

  3. I've struggled with depression before, and I got over it. Wanna know how? I stopped seeing things how I would before. I realized just how much the family around me care and how much GOD cares. That's all it took. <3
    JESUS LOVES YOU!! God Bless!<3 XD

    1. Sometimes a change of perspective is all that is needed. Glad to hear you discovered how to conquer your depression!
      Thanks for dropping by!

    2. Yep! Thank you!!
      Oh, you're welcome. I saw my sister on your blog, and I was like, "Ooh. What's that?"


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