Searching for Color

I finally finished it!

I have run myself into the ground. 

Nights of sleeplessness until midnight and then waking up with the birds at 5:30 am.

Days full of running from one thing to another with no consistency from day to day.

The seeming inability to eat enough calories to keep myself feeling well.

The emotional roller coaster of having two people seriously interested in me at once.

The lack of contact with my good friends who are all busy taking finals.

Knowing my grandma has terminal cancer.

Seeing my mother struggle to grieve for my grandma.

Planning a much needed vacation with my sister.

Working two tense elections as a poll worker.

There is just so much to feel hopeless about.

I struggle to find color and beauty in the life I am living because it all seems so buried by pain and conflict. 

I watch dear childhood friends embracing gays as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Hear of other friends with serious health issues. 

Watch an Uncle die while refusing to trust the Lord.

So often I forget that a painting would never be beautiful without the dark colors to provide contrast with the bright ones.

Never regret a day in your life:
Good days give happiness, bad days give experience,
Worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.
(I did not come up with this quote but I also cannot find who did)  


  1. This is good. I'll be praying for you and your family and friends :)

  2. The picture is beautiful, I love the symbolism vibe I got when looking at it.
    I'll be praying for you, it is too easy to sink into the pits of despair when looking at the darkness of this world. Prayers.

    1. Thanks Gray and thank you especially for the prayers!

  3. Terrific symbolism in the painting! Excellent job! I totally understand where you are coming from. So much seems to go wrong in this world, we have to try and keep our focus on God and the things that are good. You'll be in my prayers!

    1. That's right! We have to constantly turn our eyes to Jesus.
      Thank you for your prayers Bethany!

  4. Life's so hard sometimes, and it feels like we just keep falling and falling, but I know that there's one hand we can always grab onto. He will never let us go. I know it's hard to watch it all unfold and to feel like your arms are tied, but never forget that you have a God out there who cares for you. We feel like we're drowning and we feel like everything's falling apart, but he'll hold us up when we can't hold ourselves up. I'm so sorry for everything that's happening. I know its rough. I've felt like I just keep falling and there's nothing to grab hold of, but I promise you that God's always reaching out his hand. We just need to let him catch us and breathe. I'm praying that all will be worked out, and that your friends and people you care deeply about will come to the Lord. I get so tired of all this crap in the world, but I can always lean on God for rest from all this chaos. I'm sorry about all that's going on! I'm praying for you. ;)
    Remember to keep holding on. He'll never let you go.
    (Your painting is amazing. It was love at first sight!)

    1. What an encouraging and heartfelt comment. Life requires so much faith and trust in the Lord and the times those are most vital is when I feel the most incapable of using them! I may not know what the Lord is doing but He is good and at times holding on to that fact is all that I am capable of but also, all that I need.
      Thank you so much for your prayers!
      Glad also that you liked the painting!

    2. I felt like you needed to hear it. Faith is so vital to our lives; to our souls. Just looking into God's eyes and knowing that he's holding on to us and will never let go, a lot of times, takes a lot of faith. It's so hard to believe how some things that feel so painful will work out for good. But, we just got to just believing. Yup, seeing the love that God has is enough to keep us moving in these hard times. Always remember, in the hard time, God kept on walking even 'til the point of death. We need ot keep walking towards him, and comforting those who are hurting like ourselves.
      Your welcome! Remember, God will never let go of you. ;)
      Your painting took a lot of effort, and it looks beautiful and very meaningful.
      Bless you. <3


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