30 Day Gratitude Challenge--Days 21-27

This week's prompts inspired some interesting answers. I recommend an "R" rated movie, lock my keys in the car, and mention my toothbrush!

If you want to see previous posts on the gratitude challenge I am doing this month click here.

March 21st
Prompt: What song are you most grateful for?
My Answer: Different songs have encouraged me at different times. I have been listening to and enjoying the one below most recently.

March 22nd
Prompt: What story are you most grateful for?
My Answer: Apart from Bible stories, which would be the most correct and obvious answer, I would have to say at this point it would be the true story of Desmond T. Doss. I recently watched the movie Hacksaw Ridge (Doss' story) and was so encouraged. {As a side note I do recommend this movie but keep in mind it is "R" rated. There is a large dose of language and violence/disturbing images throughout.}

March 23rd
Prompt: What tradition are you grateful for?
My Answer: Writing down new goals and dreams in my journal every New Year's Eve. I like to go back and look at previous years and find it inspiring how far I have come.

March 24th
Prompt: What challenge are you grateful for?
My Answer: The challenge of learning to play the violin as an adult. I'm old enough to know that I sound bad but I am encouraged by the fact that hard work does pay off.

March 25th
Prompt: What moment this week are you most grateful for?
My Answer: The moment when I realized I had lock both my keys and phone in my truck but that I was with a group of good friends who would joyfully make sure I got home safely and recovered my vehicle. (Seriously, I have wonderful friends!)

March 26th
Prompt: What form of expression are you most grateful for?
My Answer: (I'm not exactly sure what they were wanting here) Music. Whether singing along with a song someone else recorded, humming something to myself or playing on my piano or violin. Music provides me an unbeatable way to poor my soul out to God.

March 27th
Prompt: What small thing that you use daily are you grateful for?
My Answer: My toothbrush. If I have to explain why I have some concerns for you.

What moment this week are you most grateful for?


  1. But why do you like your toothbrush? *innocent look* XD Actually yes, seriously though toothbrushes are great.

    1. Do you Aussie's just go chew sticks every so often or something? ;D
      They are wonderful aren't they?

  2. Funny you should say you're grateful for your toothbrush, because in the past years since I got my braces off, I have become very grateful for mine xD

    I'm most grateful for a huge realization I had last night, probably around midnight. I feel much more peaceful now. It's pretty complicated, but it had to do with my Bible and God :)

    audrey caylin

    1. Ah the days of braces... I think I was even more grateful for my toothbrush DURING those years than I am now!
      Sounds like a good realization if it involved your Bible and God! ;)

  3. Good post! I love brushing my teeth...it's a little weird now that I think about it...


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