30 Day Gratitude Challenge: Days 28--30//The End

Yesterday was my last day of the 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge! Thanks for reading my lists every week!

March 28th
Prompt: What small thing happened today that you are grateful for?
My Answer: I found a book at the library that I've been looking forward to reading since it came out in November. 

March 29th
Prompt: What friend/family member are you grateful for today.
My Answer: There are so many choices but I'll go with my oldest nephew. He's such a sweet and thoughtful little guy with a good sense of humor. He brightens my days and I can't imagine life with out him.

March 30th
Prompt:What talent or skill do you have that you are grateful for?
My Answer: (Isn't this the same as "abilities" which they asked me on the 13th??) Writing which has given me the potential job of tutoring two girls this summer.

Have you ever done a 30 day challenge before?
What are you grateful for this month?


  1. Oooh! What book?? That is if you don't mind telling.
    And this has been an awesome challenge, it's been really uplifting and encouraging to read your answers every week!

    1. Not at all Gray! It was The Scourge by Jennifer A. Nielson.
      Glad to hear it was inspiring to you! Now I need to decide what to do for next month...er...tomorrow.

  2. This was fun! I enjoyed reading all your answers. I'll have to try this on my blog sometime. :)


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