30 Days of Gratitude Challenge--Days 1-6


One of my New Year's resolutions was to do one 30 day challenge every month. January's was a vocabulary challenge where I learned a new word every day. February's involved planking for an increasing amount of time every day...I failed this one. March's challenge comes from the above picture. My hope is that if I share my answers to the prompts every week or so I will actually complete this one.

March 1st
Prompt: What smell are you grateful for today?
My Answer: Pine tree pollen. There are a precious few days at the beginning of every pollen season during which everything smells fresh, clean, and woodsy. Then the sneezing sets in and I am no longer grateful. 

March 2nd
Prompt: What technology are you grateful for?
My Answer: My smart phone. Such a modern answer I know, but I just got it last month and the conveniences are still obvious to me!

March 3rd
Prompt: What color are you grateful for?
My Answer: Magenta. I am seeing it in the clover blooming on my lawn, the red bud trees across the street and the abundant pink magnolia's around town. 

March 4th
Prompt: What food are you most grateful for?
My Answer: I should probably say something practical like "Chicken" or "Bread" but the truth lies in something much less useful. Ice cream. I am ever so thankful for this amazing cold dessert!

March 5th
Prompt: What sound are you grateful for today?
My Answer: Sea gull's croaking. Not that this is a pleasant sound but it evokes good memories of sailing with my father.

March 6th
Prompt: What in nature are you grateful for?
My Answer: Everything...I love being outside so this is honestly a difficult question. Considering today's weather though I'll say, rain. I'm grateful for it because today, Monday, is laundry day and if it rains on Monday I don't have to hang out my wash!

What are some things you are grateful for this month?


  1. This looks like an excellent challenge! And maybe a little more feasible than planking? ;)

    Haha, I've been thinking about doing some push-up challenges simply because I have NO upper body strength. It would probably be good for me, but I also feel like I would ultimately not succeed. :P

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

    1. This challenge is a least easier to catch up on if I get behind. ;D That said I do want to try the planking challenge again!
      I'm with you on the lack of upper body strength! And I actually have a push-up challenge down to try in another month or two. I'm not currently going to allow myself to think I might not succeed at it. :D

  2. Cool! I'm not as thankful as I should be, so maybe I'll try this too! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. Yes, I'm into doing monthly challenges too! And your one for January sounds great! I might have to try that sometime. :)

    It was nice to read through the things you're grateful for! And I also wanted to say, I really appreciated your previous post about your book guidelines. I have rough guidelines in my head, but I'm thinking I should take the time to write them out, and be definite about following them.

    1. The vocabulary challenge was fun Jessica! I used www.wordsmith.org 's A.Word.A.Day. emails. They sent me a new word every week day.
      Thanks for commenting Jessica!

  4. That's cool you're participating in this challenge. It looks fun. :)

    Hope you are having a great week!
    Love in Christ,

    1. It's an eye opening challenge! There are so many things I take for granted and don't think to thank God for.
      Blessings Ashley!


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