The Bible Project//James

Last month my brother and sister-in-law introduced me to The Bible Project. I can't describe them very well so just click on the link and watch their homepage video for yourself.

One of my goals for this year was to read through the New Testament twice. Right now I am about half way through my first pass and each time I finish a book of the NT I look up the corresponding video from The Bible Project.

I am a rather visual person so I love their illustrated outlines. They allow me to see and understand the concepts without getting lost in the technical words. I can't tell you how many light bulb moments I've had since I started watching them.

This Monday I finished reading James and watched the video above. I was amazed that I had never noticed the book's correlation to the Sermon on the Mount but I had to admit, once they pointed it out the ties were obviously there.

Have you ever heard of The Bible Project?
What did you think of this video on James? 


  1. Whoa nice. I watched the video and it's super interesting! I'll definitely be checking back and watching others. Thanks for sharing! :D

    1. You are welcome Jane! That was pretty much my reaction the first time I saw them too. :)

  2. This is so cool! Thank you for sharing this! I've never heard of The Bible Project, but now I'm gonna have to check it out now!!!

    1. I'm glad you liked it Gray! My favorite of theirs is the tri-part series on the "Wisdom Literature". Others might not like it as well but Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are two of my favorite OT books.

  3. I've never heard of this... I'm definitely going to have to check this out. =) Thanks for telling us about this resource!


    1. I'm glad to see that everyone has liked it so well!

  4. Cool! I'm going to have to download a bunch of their videos. Thanks for sharing!


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