The Lesson I Was Missing

My most recent watercolor--a phoenix!

I've always liked the idea of the mythical phoenix--a bird that ends it's life in a crash of flames and then rises from it's ashes a new creature. I like to think of it  as a picture of myself. I burn up, crash, and turn to blackened ash, but thanks to the Lord I rise again with strength renewed.
As I have mentioned before the past two years have been full of stress for me and starting in March of this year much of it came to a head. I was working several tense elections, taking an extensive class, preparing for an orchestra concert, planning a trip, and of course, dealing with a potential relationship.

During that time, my dearest Uncle went to his deathbed, my Grandma contracted terminal cancer, a close friend left for the summer, another got in a relationship, and my sister had a severe heartache of her own.

My health plummeted. I lost weight until I was too thin and my blood sugar went on a roller coaster ride causing my hormones to spin out of control.

After the sudden ending to my friendship with Mac I began to seriously research hypoglycemia. The symptoms fit but without a very expensive and time consuming test I had no proof. Nevertheless I began eating as if I was hypoglycemic.

I had struggled to understand what God wanted to teach me during that time. On my knees I had begged Him to show me why He was putting me through this. My relationship was with Him was strong despite my depression. Perhaps even, because of my depression. I couldn't understand what more He could desire from me.

And then, with more purposeful eating habits and one very relaxing night with my closest friend I began to feel human again. I took interest in the my future, in several potential friendships, in new endeavors and I at long last began to climb out of my emotional twilight.

And there suddenly I see God's purpose in this. 

As my mental and physical state improves I feel less and less the need for Jesus. I push Him away. I ignore spending time with Him for exploring my newest interests. I find my joy in practicing my freshly acquired ukulele instead of reading His word.

I believe this is what the Lord wanted me to see. He wanted to point the contrast in my spiritual life that is directly related to my circumstances.

I am doing better physically and emotionally right now than I have for two years (gained back ten pounds for starters!) but, I am not doing well spiritually. I am lukewarm. Apathetic. Uninterested.

I had thought my depression was the "Ashes" stage of the phoenix. It turns out that was actually the "Fire" and I am now in the "Ash" stage.

So how do I rise again as a new bird full of fresh fire?

The answer, however much I do not want to accept it, is simple: James 4:10 says, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."

It is time I stop waiting on my circumstances to create the right feelings but take charge and responsibility for my own spiritual life. 


  1. Oh my gosh, I had just been thinking of James 4:10 today! That's so cool.
    I'll be praying for you. Things don't have to be that way and life gets so rough, but you've got to remember that once those thoughts come creeping in, you've got to shove 'em away and let God's thought stream through your mind. If you give in and listen to what the enemy wants to say to you, then you'll push yourself deeper into a whole you don't want to fall into. The great thing about God is...he's patient. He won't just leave you behind while you're trying to get things together. He promised he wouldn't. He'll always be waiting. Your physical body will one day pass like the rest of us, but the question is...will your soul go with it? God offered himself that your soul won't die, but so that it can live eternally with him. He's holding our souls and tugging on our hearts, but there comes a time to stop fighting the pull and let him carry you. That's the only way.
    I'm so glad your physical self is coming back to normal. I'll be praying for you.
    Don't let the past drag you down, look forward to the future and push onward. When the enemy reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. That's what our pastor used to say.
    I had been depressed for SO long, but then on February 14th of all days, I finally listened to God and I've never been the same. There comes a time to talk and a time to listen. I think now, you need to pray and listen. Listen to what he's trying to tell you. It's such an amazing feeling when you get back on your feet again. You feel freedom. God's freedom.
    I love you, girl. Just hold your head up and keep walking. Don't stop to the enemies hands that are reaching for you because they will pull you down. God bless you! <3

    1. That's neat that you had been thinking of James 4:10 as well!
      Thank for your long and thoughtful comment as always!

    2. I had wrote it in a comment. I had accidentally typed JOHN 4:10, when I was meanignt o say James 4:10. My hands write faster than my brain thinks. Lol
      It's a good verse to think about.
      You're very welcome. :) Hopefully they encourage and don't sound like I'm judging you or anything. I just say what I feel like is on my heart.
      God bless. <3

  2. Yes. <33 This is an amazing reminder, thank you. All too often I know that I slip into luke-warm, and the bible even says something about that it'll be better for Sodom and Gomorrah than those who are luke-warm in their faith. This is something that can NEVER be stressed enough. One can't be reminded too many times to be on fire for God.

    1. I was thinking of Sodom and Gomorrah as well Jane. I agree, we can't be encouraged to live for the Lord too much!
      Blessings to you my friend!

  3. Thank you for the inspirational post, gal! My family has gone through a lot this year, but through it all, we have grown closer together and some of us with God. I am glad to read updates on your life. God be with you!

    1. Sorry to hear that you and your family have had a difficult time. But it's encouraging to know that you have grown through it!
      God be with you as well!


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