A Drop by Post

This year I wanted to be more faithful with posting on Arnica Anonymous even if it mean they were just quick little drop by posts.

So...guess what this is? :)

January has been full of blessings for me.

I had been praying for some time for an other part time job and a few weeks ago one practically dropped into my lap (I now have three jobs). I also had gotten very tired of paying mileage on my borrowed car and the same day I started the new job I looked at and bought a lovely new set of wheels. God's timing was perfect and I am so blessed by this shower of his goodness.

I do often feel tired though. Today I had to call in sick which gave me some free time from all but the job I do at home on my computer. And, as you can see, I was able to find a moment to do some catching up in the Blogosphere! Sometimes being sick can actually be a nice thing. ;)

How has your 2018 been going so far? Can you believe we are already nearly a month into it?!


  1. I had the flu last week, it was the worst! I hope you get better soon, although I get what you mean by it being a nice break. :)

    2018 has been good, I haven't been far enough into it to really decide what kind of year it will be for me yet. ^_^

    1. Sorry to hear that Gray (and sorry for not replying for a month!). I ended up being down for a week and still have a lingering cough but it was not too bad.
      Glad your 2018 has been good so far! :)

  2. 2018 has been fairly good and I think it's amazing how God works - giving us exactly what we need when we need it. Nothing is more true! <3
    Good luck on your new job and new set of wheels!!

    1. I'm happy to hear your 2018 is going well!
      And thank you!

  3. I hope you feel better! I also am feeling a little bit under the weather. =( Congratulations on your new job and car! =D

    Micaiah @ Notebooks and Novels

    1. Thank you Micaiah! I ended up being in bed for nearly a week but it wasn't too bad.
      Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Your blog looks like it has a lot of thought-posts! I look forward to reading them :) So far my new year has been great, full of a lot of writing and working!


    1. It's good to know your year has been going well so far!
      And thank you! Hopefully I will write some more posts for you to read soon. ;)


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