Fight or Flight?

So...I am still here. And to start the New Year I would like to apologize for not reading and commenting on all of your lovely blogs more. I know I have missed some great content and I will try to do better in 2018!

To move on, what I wanted to share today came to mind as  I was creating my New Year's resolutions. I was scribbling some thoughts down on struggles that I wanted to see conquered in 2018 and it occurred to me that I was handling them the wrong way. I was trying to be the tough one. The girl holding the blazing sword and saying, "You shall not pass!".

That doesn't work though because my temptations don't come charging at me head-on with a snarl and horns.

They tip-toe up behind me on sparkling fairy feet and whisper everything I could desire sweetly in my ear.

(A quote I discovered on Pinterest but have been unable to locate the author of.)

I am unable to stand and fight them but find myself instead following them with a charmed smile on my face straight to the door of hell.

So what should  I do?

2 Timothy 2:22 says that I should flee them.

So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

Not stand my ground. Not even make an orderly retreat. But "FLEE". Get out of there! Run so far away that they can't find me to sing their delightful lies.

As this concept began to sink in I had to ponder exactly how I was to flee. In general this is not the physical running away from something. It's more subtle.

It's throwing out all of the sugar in your house (an example I use merely because most people can relate to the struggle of dieting.).

I can't think, "Well, I'll just be strong this time." because we all know, when push comes to shove I won't be. I'll cave just like I have every time before and eat that one bag of M&M's I stashed in the basement.

Humor aside it's a very serious topic dealing with my spiritual health.

Fundamentally it's not allowing myself to get in a situation of temptation but instead fleeing with wings on my feet!!


  1. Thank you so much for this. It was exactly what I needed to read - and so inspiring. I pray that God will bless you greatly in the coming year!

    Brianna |

  2. I love that quote you found - thank you for this post. More people need to hear it!

  3. Glad to see you back, Arnica!
    This is such an encouraging post, thank you. <3


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