Our Hearts--His Home

Let's just agree that I won't apologize for not posting regularly and you won't be offended by my lack of interaction on all your lovely blogs. Deal??


I had the chance to attend a conference with my sister's church several weeks ago. During one session the teacher connected two Bible verses in a way that I had never before considered.

Ephesians 3:17 says -- "That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith."

When we move into a new house what do we do to make it "our home"?

We take out old furniture and put in new. We tear down walls. We strip out old cabinets. Basically, we make the place look entirely different and we make it fit us.

Can you imagine how awkward it would be to try and do that with the previous owners still there? They would be offended and fight every change we made.

When we ask Christ to make His home in our hearts we cannot retain ownership. There are no roped off areas marked "No Entry". We give over the right to choose how things are built and arranged and allow Him to change things, no matter how painful for us it may feel.

Continuing on with this concept of Christ coming into us and doing some radical remodeling--

1 Corinthians 3:16 -- "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"

Remember what Jesus did in the temple? All four gospels record Him cleansing it...with a whip!

That doesn't sound very comfortable to me but the Bible never promises that I will be comfortable. Just that I will be made more like Christ if I let Him in my heart.


  1. So true! And when I think about what Jesus endured on the cross, I can't help but wonder how more people aren't more convicted to follow Him. It's so sad that they don't see the free gift He's offering.

    1. In my experience many people don't understand what Jesus dying on the cross means. Very sad, yes!

  2. Very good! It's not a comfortable process...I feel that whip is used more often than not. But the more we submit the easier the change comes about :D Lovely post :)


    1. I can't help but think of Psalm 23 where David talks about God's rod and staff guiding Him. Probably not the most comfortable for the sheep, but very effective! :)

  3. Wow that illustration is something I've never thought of before, but that's so cool now that you say it. Thanks so much for sharing. :D


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