Enough -- A Poem of Sorts


How did I get here again?
Why do You feel so silent?
I know You're supposed to be my joy,
But right now nothing feels like it's enough.

I am exhausted
Feeling lost
Worn out and alone
Aware of every failing
When will I be okay again?

Is there any peace to have?
'Cause right now there is a waterfall
Trying to pour from my eyes,
And nothing feels like it's enough.

Your child is exhausted
Feeling lost 
Worn out and alone
So aware of every failing
Will I ever be okay again?

Why do You have holes in Your hands?
You sweat drops of blood
While Your friends slept.
And I feel like that's not enough.

When I am exhausted
Feeling lost 
Worn out and alone
Aware of every failing
Begging to become okay again,

You remind me:

Why would I go forty days without food?
Feel My Father turn His back?
Let My friend betray me,
If I wasn't going to be enough?

When you are exhausted
Feeling lost
Worn out and alone,
Do you think I endured all that,
To abandon you?

Peace child.
I have recorded every wavering step.
Gathered your bitter tears.
And I will always be by your side,
To give you a future and a hope.


  1. Oh, that's so beautiful! Yes, He's enough! And we can be enough, too :)



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