Listing the Positives

It would surprise most people (including those I live with) to know how often I struggle with depression. It's something I have always felt guilty for because nothing in my life is really that bad. And doesn't God say that He should be our joy and we should find contentment in Him? Therefore if I have chronic blues, aren't I doing something wrong? So I laugh at life when I can and keep my sadness to myself.

Regardless of the answer to my questions, the fact remains, feeling joyful does not come naturally to me. I have to go after joy with a pickax.

One thing I have started doing recently is "Listing the Positives".
  • A hike in perfect weather this afternoon
  • The multi-colored leaves of Autumn
  • The specialized calculator that was given to me so I no longer have to get to school and use theirs an for an hour before my 8 am class
  • The package of GF Oreos my darling mother gave me
  • My violin -- always and forever listed as a positive
  • A freshly renewed friendship
  • My hair finally getting long again after being chin length almost two years ago
  • A freshly acquired Tenth Avenue North CD to listen to on my long drives to and from school 

How can I come up with all those and still feel discouraged? It's a perspective changer for sure.


  1. I think we all deal with depression throughout our lives. It's nothing to be ashamed of -- it's horrible, scary, real. But positives really help! Calendar journaling has soooo helped me (I'll be posting about this subject beginning of January.

    Anyways, those are some amazing positives. Especially the refreshed friendship and hair growth.

    1. I'll be interested to read your post on calendar journaling Keturah!
      I almost didn't list the hair...but I decided it was okay to be that light-hearted. The older I get the longer my hair takes to grow out, so it's kind-of exciting to me. ;)

  2. YES! I've struggled with depression since about the age of nine and God has really taught me how listing what I am thankful for, what He has given me (even the little things), can make a HUGE difference!

    1. It really does adjust your perspective.
      Thanks for dropping by Kara!


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