The Plan -- Yet Another Bit of Poetry

My plans, I had them laid out.
All nice and clear and straight.
In bold clean ink, I wrote them.
But then, along came fate.

They were tumbled, crashed, knocked over,
Bruising deeply as they fell.
Each way I turned now blocked me in,
They’d formed a living hell.

I tried to rearrange them,
Rebuild my shattered dreams,
But they cut my hands, tore my arms,
And muffled all my screams.

Broken down and fainting,
I knew I had no hope.
Till somewhere up above me,
There simply dropped a rope.

Desperate for my freedom,
I grabbed at it to flee,
The rope, it wasn’t strong enough.
It broke and I fell free.

The darkness it encompassed me.
Complete, and black, and thick.
I bowed my head and gave up.
My heart soon slowed its tick.

I know You have a purpose,
Designed a perfect plan,
But sometimes I can’t see it,
Since I am just a man.

I feel so often shattered,
Helpless to fix my life,
Surrounded by my upset goals,
A path that’s full of strife.

It takes a lot of courage,
To just hold on to trust,
But someday I know I’ll look back,
And see that You’ve been just.

Please, Father, give me faith,
To walk when I am blind,
To remember that You are always there,
When despair is on my mind.

I do not know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future. ~ Lee Strobel


  1. wowowowoowow I love this so much! And I love seeing people write poetry that actually rhymes! Love this beyond loving ;D

    1. Why thank you Keturah! I struggle to write rhyming poetry so your enthusiasm means a lot!


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