The Cure for Overthinking

I feel like the title of this post is overreaching. What I am about to share will not magically fix every situation of overthinking, it won't even fix all of mine. sounds good, does it not? ;)

So I overthink. If you've been reading Arnica Anonymous for very long you probably already guessed that.

I get on this circular train of thought when I'm anxious and can't seem to stop it or bailout. Too panicked.
Image result for sarah's scribbles train of thought

This picture PERFECTLY describes my life. Raise your hand if you have been here too. (I know you have.)

I stumbled across an article today that discussed exactly what overthinking is. The author defined it as focusing on the problem continually and letting yourself be paralyzed by that perception. If all we are staring at is the problem, of course it's going to seem insurmountable! To my surprise, the article did not list a solution for this misplaced focus--which seems ironic to me. But we are smart people and can think for ourselves (when not panicked) right?

What is the opposite of focusing on the problem? I already hinted at it.

Exactly! Looking for a solution.

I know for me personally, this is often easier said than done. But if for one moment I can get in control of my thoughts and switch gears from "Problem" to "Problem Solver" I know I will be much calmer in the long run.

Short but sweet post I know. Just my thoughts from today. :)


  1. Ahhh that's perfect. I often tell people when I tell them to stop overtbinkiny that's it's simple, and explain why it's simple with a solution. Yet I never thought of this for myself. Great thoughts ;)


    1. Isn't it funny how we can council others so well but are blind when it comes to the same issues with us?

    2. It is amazing
      And I always hate how I never catch my typos until AFTER it's too late 😂

    3. Yes!! Why isn't there an edit button like all other social media platforms??


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